path: root/home.nix
diff options
authorAdrian Kummerlaender2018-05-05 13:02:04 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2018-05-05 13:02:04 +0200
commitdea9a66fccca94ed27387246e384f3dcb20501f6 (patch)
tree06ed6657b0d014d5e8faa0a20b267bf6a9f34472 /home.nix
parent74951f7eb0d8914201a5a4fa1b534abfe0ecfa0d (diff)
Basic attempt at a better structure
Diffstat (limited to 'home.nix')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/home.nix b/home.nix
index 843a93d..50d8787 100644
--- a/home.nix
+++ b/home.nix
@@ -6,50 +6,12 @@
path = ''https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz'';
+ imports = [
+ ./gui/default.nix
+ ];
home = {
keyboard.layout = "de";
- packages = with pkgs; [
- # terminals
- rxvt_unicode
- kitty
- # file viewers
- zathura
- sxiv
- mpv
- paraview
- libreoffice
- # file management
- pcmanfm gvfs lxmenu-data shared_mime_info
- veracrypt
- # communication
- tdesktop
- # UI dev utilities (CLI utilities are added in project specific nix-shells)
- zeal
- hotspot
- qcachegrind
- gitg
- ];
- sessionVariables = {
- # required to enable auto-mounting in pcmanfm
- GIO_EXTRA_MODULES = [ "${pkgs.gvfs}/lib/gio/modules" ];
- # use GTK theme in libreoffice
- };
- # vim is configured globally for all users but common is the only GUI user
- file.".gvimrc".text = ''
- set guifont=Iosevka\ 10
- set linespace=2
- set guioptions=agim
- set guioptions-=m
- 2match SpecialKeyTab /\t/
- '';
- file.".config/kitty/kitty.conf".source = ./conf/kitty.conf;
- file.".config/user-dirs.dirs".source = ./conf/xdg/user-dirs.dirs;
programs.git = {
@@ -66,137 +28,4 @@
defaultCacheTtlSsh = 120;
enableScDaemon = false;
- services.syncthing.enable = true;
- xsession = {
- enable = true;
- initExtra = ''
- xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
- xset b off
- '';
- windowManager.xmonad = {
- enable = true;
- enableContribAndExtras = true;
- config = ./conf/xmonad/xmonad.hs;
- };
- };
- xresources.extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./conf/urxvt.Xresources;
- gtk = {
- enable = true;
- theme = let
- oomox-gtk-theme = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/oomox-gtk-theme.nix {
- pkgs-unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {};
- theme = {
- accent_bg = "aadb0f";
- bg = "d8d8d8";
- fg = "101010";
- btn_bg = "f5f5f5";
- btn_fg = "111111";
- caret_size = 0.04;
- caret1_fg = "101010";
- caret2_fg = "101010";
- hdr_btn_bg = "161616";
- hdr_btn_fg = "aadb0f";
- menu_bg = "909737";
- menu_fg = "1a1a1a";
- sel_bg = "aadb0f";
- sel_fg = "101010";
- txt_bg = "ffffff";
- txt_fg = "101010";
- gradient = 0.0;
- roundness = 0;
- spacing = 1;
- wm_border_focus = "909737";
- wm_border_unfocus = "909737";
- gtk3_generate_dark = false;
- };
- };
- in {
- name = "oomox";
- package = oomox-gtk-theme;
- };
- iconTheme = let
- oomox-archdroid-icon-theme = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/oomox-archdroid-icon-theme.nix {
- color = "909737";
- };
- in {
- name = "oomox-archdroid";
- package = oomox-archdroid-icon-theme;
- };
- font = {
- name = "Iosevka 10";
- package = pkgs.iosevka;
- };
- gtk2.extraConfig = ''
- style "vimfix" { bg[NORMAL] = "#161616" }
- widget "vim-main-window.*GtkForm" style "vimfix"
- '';
- };
- programs.rofi = {
- enable = true;
- location = "top";
- font = "Iosevka 12";
- separator = "none";
- scrollbar = false;
- borderWidth = 6;
- yoffset = -6;
- colors = {
- window = {
- background = "#222222";
- border = "#aadb0f";
- separator = "#000000";
- };
- rows = {
- normal = {
- background = "#222222";
- foreground = "#8e8e8e";
- backgroundAlt = "#161616";
- highlight = {
- background = "#111111";
- foreground = "#aadb0f";
- };
- };
- active = {
- background = "#222222";
- foreground = "#8e8e8e";
- backgroundAlt = "#161616";
- highlight = {
- background = "#111111";
- foreground = "#aadb0f";
- };
- };
- urgent = {
- background = "#222222";
- foreground = "#dc322f";
- backgroundAlt = "#161616";
- highlight = {
- background = "#dc322f";
- foreground = "#161616";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- extraConfig = ''
- rofi.modi: combi
- rofi.combi-modi: windowcd,drun,ssh
- '';
- };
- programs.firefox = {
- enable = true;
- enableAdobeFlash = true;
- };
- home.file.".config/zathura/zathurarc".text = builtins.readFile ./conf/pwmt/zathurarc;