path: root/gui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gui')
4 files changed, 62 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/gui/apps/file.nix b/gui/apps/file.nix
index 98228b4..c5c8d18 100644
--- a/gui/apps/file.nix
+++ b/gui/apps/file.nix
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
home = {
packages = let
custom-sxiv = import ./sxiv.nix pkgs;
- unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {};
in with pkgs; [
# browser
- unstable.nnn file
+ nnn file
# automounting
gvfs lxmenu-data shared_mime_info
# tools
diff --git a/gui/apps/sxiv.nix b/gui/apps/sxiv.nix
index 376669f..48390dc 100644
--- a/gui/apps/sxiv.nix
+++ b/gui/apps/sxiv.nix
@@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
pkgs.callPackage ../pkgs/sxiv.nix {
theme = {
- bar_font_name = "Iosevka";
- bar_font_size = "12";
- win_bg = "#000000";
- win_fs = "#999999";
- sel = "#aadb0f";
- bar_bg = "#161616";
- bar_fg = "#909636";
+ font_name = "Iosevka";
+ font_size = "12";
+ bg = "#161616";
+ fg = "#909636";
diff --git a/gui/pkgs/sxiv.nix b/gui/pkgs/sxiv.nix
index 982f280..0f9e95d 100644
--- a/gui/pkgs/sxiv.nix
+++ b/gui/pkgs/sxiv.nix
@@ -7,12 +7,9 @@ let
WIN_WIDTH = 800,
- static const char * const WIN_BG_COLOR = "${win_bg}";
- static const char * const BAR_FONT = "${bar_font_name}:size=${bar_font_size}";
- static const char * const WIN_FS_COLOR = "${win_fs}";
- static const char * const SEL_COLOR = "${sel}";
- static const char * const BAR_BG_COLOR = "${bar_bg}";
- static const char * const BAR_FG_COLOR = "${bar_fg}";
+ static const char * const BAR_FONT = "${font_name}:size=${font_size}";
+ static const char * const BG_COLOR = "${bg}";
+ static const char * const FG_COLOR = "${fg}";
static const float zoom_levels[] = {
@@ -20,10 +17,10 @@ let
100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
enum { SLIDESHOW_DELAY = 5 };
- static const double GAMMA_MAX = 10.0;
- static const int GAMMA_RANGE = 32;
+ static const double GAMMA_MAX = 10.0;
+ static const int GAMMA_RANGE = 32;
static const int PAN_FRACTION = 5;
- static const bool ANTI_ALIAS = false;
+ static const bool ANTI_ALIAS = true;
static const bool ALPHA_LAYER = true;
@@ -32,20 +29,38 @@ let
static const keymap_t keys[] = {
+ /* modifiers key function argument */
{ 0, XK_q, g_quit, None },
{ 0, XK_Return, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, XK_f, g_toggle_fullscreen, None },
{ 0, XK_b, g_toggle_bar, None },
+ { ControlMask, XK_x, g_prefix_external, None },
{ 0, XK_g, g_first, None },
{ 0, XK_G, g_n_or_last, None },
{ 0, XK_r, g_reload_image, None },
+ { 0, XK_D, g_remove_image, None },
+ { ControlMask, XK_h, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
+ { ControlMask, XK_Left, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
+ { ControlMask, XK_j, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
+ { ControlMask, XK_Down, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
+ { ControlMask, XK_k, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
+ { ControlMask, XK_Up, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
+ { ControlMask, XK_l, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
+ { ControlMask, XK_Right, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_plus, g_zoom, +1 },
+ { 0, XK_KP_Add, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, XK_minus, g_zoom, -1 },
+ { 0, XK_KP_Subtract, g_zoom, -1 },
{ 0, XK_m, g_toggle_image_mark, None },
- { 0, XK_M, g_reverse_marks, None },
- { ControlMask, XK_m, g_unmark_all, None },
+ { 0, XK_M, g_mark_range, None },
+ { ControlMask, XK_m, g_reverse_marks, None },
+ { ControlMask, XK_u, g_unmark_all, None },
{ 0, XK_N, g_navigate_marked, +1 },
{ 0, XK_P, g_navigate_marked, -1 },
+ { 0, XK_braceleft, g_change_gamma, -1 },
+ { 0, XK_braceright, g_change_gamma, +1 },
+ { ControlMask, XK_g, g_change_gamma, 0 },
{ 0, XK_h, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_j, t_move_sel, DIR_DOWN },
@@ -55,12 +70,19 @@ let
{ 0, XK_l, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_R, t_reload_all, None },
{ 0, XK_n, i_navigate, +1 },
{ 0, XK_n, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_space, i_navigate, +1 },
{ 0, XK_p, i_navigate, -1 },
{ 0, XK_p, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_BackSpace, i_navigate, -1 },
+ { 0, XK_bracketright, i_navigate, +10 },
+ { 0, XK_bracketleft, i_navigate, -10 },
+ { ControlMask, XK_6, i_alternate, None },
+ { ControlMask, XK_n, i_navigate_frame, +1 },
+ { ControlMask, XK_p, i_navigate_frame, -1 },
+ { ControlMask, XK_space, i_toggle_animation, None },
{ 0, XK_h, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_j, i_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
@@ -69,13 +91,28 @@ let
{ 0, XK_Up, i_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_l, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
+ { 0, XK_H, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT },
+ { 0, XK_J, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_DOWN },
+ { 0, XK_K, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_UP },
+ { 0, XK_L, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_equal, i_set_zoom, 100 },
+ { 0, XK_w, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_DOWN },
+ { 0, XK_W, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_FIT },
+ { 0, XK_e, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_WIDTH },
+ { 0, XK_E, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_HEIGHT },
+ { 0, XK_less, i_rotate, DEGREE_270 },
+ { 0, XK_greater, i_rotate, DEGREE_90 },
+ { 0, XK_question, i_rotate, DEGREE_180 },
+ { 0, XK_bar, i_flip, FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
+ { 0, XK_underscore, i_flip, FLIP_VERTICAL },
{ 0, XK_a, i_toggle_antialias, None },
{ 0, XK_A, i_toggle_alpha, None },
{ 0, XK_s, i_slideshow, None },
static const button_t buttons[] = {
+ /* modifiers button function argument */
{ 0, 1, i_cursor_navigate, None },
+ { 0, 2, i_drag, DRAG_ABSOLUTE },
{ 0, 3, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, 4, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, 5, g_zoom, -1 },
diff --git a/gui/twmn.nix b/gui/twmn.nix
index de0a84f..1420457 100644
--- a/gui/twmn.nix
+++ b/gui/twmn.nix
@@ -29,21 +29,25 @@ in {
home.file.".config/twmn/twmn.conf".text = ''
- always_on_top=true
- bounce=true
font_size=${if hidpi then "24" else "14"}
height=${if hidpi then "32" else "20"}
+ always_on_top=true
+ position=bottom_right
+ bounce=true
+ bounce_duration=500
- opacity=100
- position=bottom_right
- screen=0
+ max_length=-1
+ opacity=100
+ host=
+ port=9797