path: root/src/buffer/vertex
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-02-23Store material in fluid buffer and improve visualizationAdrian Kummerlaender
2019-02-22Tidy up wall drawing and geometry initializationAdrian Kummerlaender
2019-02-22Improvise interactive wall drawingAdrian Kummerlaender
2019-02-20Initialize cells using their equilibrium distributionAdrian Kummerlaender
2018-12-18Hacky mouse-based fluid interactionAdrian Kummerlaender
2018-12-17Try out velocity norm color mappingAdrian Kummerlaender
2018-12-17Fix glDrawArray callAdrian Kummerlaender
2018-12-16Parametrize lattice resolutionAdrian Kummerlaender
2018-12-15Hacky D2Q9 BGK LBM on GPU using GLSL compute shadersAdrian Kummerlaender